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Meet Our Pastors

Apostle Terry and Pastor Mary Jefferson where married on June 15,1995. In this union they have 3 Children, Terry Jr., Tiffany, and Cameron. They started a bible study in their home in September 1996. They formed the Word of Revelation Ministries, Inc. and had their first official church service on October 25,1998. After a year and a half at that location, membership grew to the point where the church had to relocate to a bigger building. Apostle and Pastor Jefferson sought the Lord and was led to the building where we are presently purchasing. We had our first service at our current location on June 17, 2000.

Apostle Terry Jefferson

Apostle Terry Jefferson committed his life to Christ on June 24, 1982 in Anchorage, Alaska. He served as a "Jet Engine Mechanic" and a Aircraft Weapons Loader in the U.S. Air Force for 10 years, and was discharged in 1991. Apostle Jefferson accepted his call into ministry in 1985. He started preaching the Word of God on the radio, where he developed a HUGE FOLLOWING. He has written a book titled Understanding the Battles of the mind. He can be heard on the Byte show and also on Omega Man Radio. His calling is to teach understanding to the people of God.. He operates under the Five-fold ministry.

Pastor Mary Jefferson

Pastor Mary Jefferson committed her life to Christ March 23, 1993 in Taegu, Korea. She served as an "Administrative Specialist for 7 years, and a Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Supervisor" for 4 years in the U.S.Army and was discharged in November 1993. She Accepted her call into Ministry in January 1995. One of her favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. She has also founded TKD (The King's Daughters Women's Ministry. Pastor Mary has also written a book titled "The Charges Have Been Dropped!

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