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Minister Carol Gamble

Mentor Minister

Min​ister Carol Gambl​e

Minister Carol Gamble joined the Word of Revelation family in 2004. Only after a couple years, Apostle Terry Jefferson invited her to attend Teacher's Class, to be trained up to become a teacher of the gospel. While in training she received instruction from the Lord and accepted her calling to Minister. Apostle Terry and Pastor Mary Jefferson ordained Min. Carol Gamble on May,27,2012. Minister Carol Gamble is Word of Revelation’s Lead Sunday School and Children’s Church Minister. One scripture Min. Gamble stands on in both good and bad times is Romans 8:28, “And we know all things work together for the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Minister Dorsea L. Co​llins

Minister Dorsea Collins joined Word of Revelation in 2002. She accepted her calling to minister the Word of God in 2014. Min. Collins was first ordained under Missionary Church international. In 2019 she was ordained minister at Word of Revelation, under the leadership of Apostle Terry and Pastor Mary Jefferson. She has devoted her life to God in teaching the Word of Truth and battling against the dark forces of evil. Min. Collins loves to do outreach in the community by giving out bibles and Christian literature, so that all God’s people will have an opportunity to grow in Christ Jesus. One bible verse that encourages her to stand is Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before thou comest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nation.”

Minister Dorsea L. Collins

Mentor Minister

Minister Quadir Collington

Operations Minister

Minister Quadir Collington

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Minister Ramona Wright

Minister Ramona and her youngest son Lewis came to Word of Revelation Ministries, Inc. in 2005 after searching for Jesus in many churches. she had confidence that she was lead here because Apostle Terry Jefferson was teaching on the oneness of  God. She learned who God is, she also learned how to  hide in Him and Pastor Mary taught me how to fight with the Word of God. She was ordained a Minister in December 2018. Her Ministry is helping leading people out of bondage and addiction and helping the less fortunate. She is currently head of of the outreach ministry where we clothes the necked and feed the hungry.  Her favorite scriptures are Psalm 91, Psalm 27, Psalm 35, and Psalm 70. i am a warrior, i was a fighter in the world and now I'm a fighter for the Lord.

Minister Ramona Wright

Outreach Minister

Sister Daphne Collington

Intercessor Prayer Warrior

Sister Daphne Collington

Alongside her husband (Bro Gene), Sis. Daphne moved to Columbus, Georgia during 2001 due to Bro Gene’s military orders. Soon after her arrival, the Lord led her and her family to Word of Revelation Ministries in response to her prayer petitioned prior to relocating to Georgia. Sis. Daphne was humble and grateful to accept the invitation of intercessory underneath the leadership of overseers Apostle Terry and Mary Jefferson. In her incumbency, she serves in various capacities, as needed, to her best of her ability in Christ Jesus, to support accomplishment of the ministry’s mission and vision, and in prayer as a prayer warrior. The Lord utilizes Sis. Daphne in a miraculous way to proclaim good news to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to set captives free in deliverance, to open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the death, to set the oppressed free, and to proclaim the lord’s favor. Sis. Daphne is involved in community efforts within the ministry as well as outside the ministry via gifts of help and/ or contributions. While out in the community, she may be found serving as a worshipper and sharing the Word with, praying for and/or encouraging others. Sis. Daphne has no favorite scriptures; nevertheless, you may hear her quoting, “The Lord’s precepts save our lives.” In reference to Psalms 119:93 or, “Arm yourself with the same attitude that Jesus Christ had when He suffered in his body,” in reference to 1 Peter 4:1-2. Some scriptures that the Lord has written upon her heart since her spiritual birth are Matthew 4:4, Isaiah 11:1-5, Luke 4:18-19, Isaiah 55:11, and 2 Corinthians 4:18. Ultimately, Sis. Daphne’s aspiration is to please the Lord and to give all glory to the most high and only true God, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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